Monday, September 29, 2014

Baby Lincoln (3 Months)

Little Lincoln's parents asked me to take his newborn photos as well as taking his photos at 3,6,9 months and a year. I'm so excited to watch him grow and capture each special stage. He wasn't overly smily during this session, but despite that, we got some cute photos that show Lincoln at that precious 3 month stage. Love this little guy!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ben & Melissa

This is my brother and his incredibly beautiful wife, Melissa. They are amazing...seriously, if you don't know them, you are missing out! Eli and I went to visit them last night and take some updated photos for them! They are so good in front of the camera...seriously so photogenic...that is as long as Ben is cooperating. :)
We took a few fallish photos of them...and then Melissa and I got back into our wedding dresses for some pictures!!! It was soo much fun!! You can check out Melissa's amazing blog for more photos of us in our dresses! They turned out so great! http://countrygirlmk.blogspot.com/

Baby Brielle (Newborn)

Sweet Brielle was born in late August to a sweet couple who were in my graduating high school class. It's so fun to watch your friends from high school become parents. Troy and Aubrie are just smitten with their precious little girl...and I can't blame them! She is a doll! I'll be honest, part of the reason newborn sessions are my absolute favorite are because I have an excuse to hold and cuddle with a brand new newborn for a few hours! The best! Brielle wasn't sure she wanted to sleep for any of her session, but once daddy came home from the farm...he got her calmed right down and we got those coveted sleepy baby shots. Brielle, you are seriously the sweetest, and you are a lucky little girl to have such amazing parents! Troy and Aubrie, I hope you love your photos of your perfect baby.
Thank you SO much for asking me to take these!
She looks so much like her daddy! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Vivian (One Year/Cake Smash)

This little girl is so adorable. I love capturing one year olds. They are so fun! She wasn't so sure about the whole picture taking process at first, but she warmed up and did such a great job! She also was VERY hesitant about her cake. She didn't want much to do with that...but boy would she grab at it when her mom and dad would hide cheerios inside of it! Haha! We had such a fun morning and I loved being able to spend some time with this sweet little girl!

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